Project Manager, CEGESTI (Costa Rica)
Presentation: Strengthening Municipal Solid Waste Management Plans by incorporating waste monitoring systems at beaches. The Costa Rican case.
International consultant in management systems, project administration, companies and Human rights. She has supported companies and business associations in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, in awareness raising and technical assistance around corporate challenges for sustainability. Her work involves the design of self-assessment tools on socio-environmental and human rights issues, the methodological approach for the integration of sustainable development in the business strategy and the development of audit and due diligence activities. PROMAR Coordinator for Costa Rica, a Marine Litter prevention project in the Caribbean Sea, financed by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Nuclear Safety (BMUV) and executed in the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Colombia, the British Virgin Islands, St. Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana and Suriname.