
Weine Wiqvist

Weine Wiqvist

Senior Advisor at Avfall Sverige – Swedish Waste Management (Sweden)

Presentation: Improving Municipal Waste Management – a critical priority for sustainability.

Mr Wiqvist, Master of Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, has a long and extensive career in waste management as the former Managing Director of Avfall Sverige, Swedish Waste Management. He has also been the Treasurer and Member of the Board at ISWA 201x-201x as well as Vice President and Member of the Presidency, Cewep (The Confederation of European Waste-to-energy Plants). 

Today Mr Wiqvist is a Senior Advisor at Avfall Sverige and he is also adjunct Lecture (part time) at Lund University, International Industrial Institute of Environmental Economics (IIIEE) in Sweden.